Holding Hands

Kinnected welcomes you to the Reciprocity Project, where your health experiences can bridge generational divides to support elders and young adults alike.

What is the Reciprocity Project?

This project connects people across generations to explore health experiences and share connection around those experiences. By joining the Reciprocity Project, elders will share their health journeys in exchange for active listening from young adults, and young adults will gather knowledge on health across cultures and time.

When you join the project, you will be exploring questions like these:

Did an illness or a health journey coincide with an important time in your life history?
Have you lived all your life with a chronic condition or a mystery illness?
What would you tell another person with a similar condition?
What would you say in a letter to your younger self about your health history?
Has a physical, emotional/mental, or social health concern or condition defined, impacted, or served your life to some extent?
Do you have any health experiences or insights you want to share to benefit others?
What is something unique about your body, mind, or spirit?

We welcome you to bridge generational divides, experience the joy of giving, and create multi-directional support networks for the betterment of all ages.

Conversations will be led by:

Megan Haas


Megan Haas is the founder of Kinnected. She is a long-time strategist and founder focused on the social and emotional importance of connecting community culture with business. For the last several years Megan has been developing Kinnected to be a free, community model for global health empowerment and resource sharing to nurture and support both people and health professionals, cross-culturally and inter-generationally.

Megan is passionate about facilitating sincere, trusting connection, and collaborating with individuals and organizations that work to innovate social services in accessible, ethical ways.

Megan loves facilitating the Reciprocity sessions, and witnessing the balancing of give and take that organically unfolds through the sharing of stories, and health knowledge across generations and cultures.

Want to get involved?

For Elders

Are you an elder interested in building connections and sharing your health journeys intergenerationally? We invite you to participate in the Reciprocity Project and collaborate with younger generations to share your insights and knowledge about social, emotional and physical health. Start by filling out the form below.

For Young Adults

Are you interested in sharing stories and learning about the lived health experiences of elders? Are you curious about the insights elders can offer about their social, emotional or physical health journeys? We welcome you to take part in the Reciprocity Project. You can start by filling out the form below.

For Interested Organizations

Are you involved with a cultural or social organization oriented towards elders or young adults, such as a university, social club or elder care home? We welcome your participation in the Reciprocity Project. Please get in touch by filling out the form below.

More about Kinnected

Megan Haas

Kinnected is a health platform with features structured around trust, social interdependence, and a way to truly live and care for one another. It is a dedicated space to improve our own health, and to collaborate with others, globally, on social, emotional and physical health conditions and solutions.

Kinnected is run by a team of creators, developers, and cultural researchers with the goal of offering a free and diverse public health community that nurtures and supports all people and health professionals equitably.

Kinnected is not only about fostering self-reliance and advocacy, but also about building connections for elders to impart their valuable experiences and knowledge to younger generations.

Kinnected has no corporate affiliation, investors, or backers of any type. We do not sell your data to anyone. To learn more, read our Privacy Policy.

Ready to get started?

You can sign up to join the conversation here by choosing a day and time. If you’d like to learn more before signing up, please contact us.

Not ready to participate in the Reciprocity Project? You can also join Kinnected as a member. Tell your story, collaborate with your peers, and build a dedicated place for your self-health on the Kinnected platform.